For unconfident new Starters Ages 3yrs+

...Just as Pups, (baby dolphins), have to start their Learn to swim journey somewhere... So too do our children... our AQUAPUP classes actively encourage unconfident, completely novice new-starters to explore their new aquatic world with fresh, positively engaging experiences. Nurturing and facilitating an early love of independent movement and interaction in water is our goal, keeping stress and anxiety to a minimum. We love and respect every child's own personality and we're ready to inspire your child with a passion for more learning at every step throughout their learn to swim journey. We want your child to love swimming and we understand that by getting it right in the early stages, we're engaged to create strong, recreational swimmers, future Olympic Podium hopefuls, and everything in-between.
Unconfident new-starters Age 3yrs+

We REALLY REALLY look after everyone at Swimmerz Academy, but none more so than our AQUA SMILES STAGE 1 groups. We want to ensure the best possible start to your child's Learn to swim journey... no more than 4 CHILDREN to one teacher, and using toys and playing games in small groups, we're closely linked to the early years education programme, switching children on to learning from age 3yrs+... As soon as they're ready to move to stage 2, we'll let you know...
Loose the Aquahero Stabilisers...

In stage 2, we're preparing children to loose their armbands and float dependence. As they go through changes in posture and learn more about using arms and legs to get through the water independently, we'll start to reduce their dependency on floatation aides, always gauging how each child's confidence is impacted and at each point, so we help them to stresslessly re-adjust to their increasing independence. By the end of this stage, children will be capable of swimming 10m independently, without any floats, both on their fronts and backs.